by Vanessa

Founded in 2022, Wellbeing by Vanessa is born out of a personal experience and a passion to help others. It’s a sanctuary for those feeling lost, overwhelmed, or disconnected. 

Founded in 2022, Wellbeing by Vanessa is born out of a personal experience and a passion to help others. It’s a sanctuary for those feeling lost, overwhelmed, or disconnected. 

Change Begins With Us

Change begins with us, doesn’t it? It’s rather like trying to clean a muddy car; if you don’t start with the sponge, you’ll only smear the muck around a bit. We often overlook the power of our choices and how they ripple through our lives, creating a symphony of consequences, some harmonious and others, well, a cacophony worthy of a cat fight.

Take a moment to consider the boundaries we set—or, more often, the ones we neglect. Without boundaries, we’re like jelly on a plate, wobbling about and at the mercy of anyone who decides to poke us. We end up people-pleasing ourselves into an emotional corner, feeling like a round peg in a square hole. It’s exhausting! Suddenly, we find ourselves tossed into a whirlwind of expectations, trying desperately to please everyone while forgetting our own needs. It’s as if we’ve signed up for a circus act without realising we’d be the clown juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle!

This is where holistic therapies come into play, acting as a delightful lifebuoy in our tumultuous sea of chaos. Picture this: you’ve just had a long week of saying ‘yes’ when you really meant ‘no’, and you’re feeling a bit frayed at the edges. Enter the world of holistic healing, where you can restore balance to your mind, body, and soul with a few gentle nudges in the right direction.

Reiki, for instance, is like a warm hug from the universe, helping to clear out the emotional cobwebs that accumulate when we forget to say ‘no’. Then there are crystals, those sparkly little wonders that can help channel energies and ground us when we’re feeling a bit too floaty. Herbal remedies, on the other hand, are nature’s way of saying, “Have a cuppa and chill out!” They bring a soothing touch to our busy lives, reminding us to take a breather.

Let’s not forget sound therapy, which can transport you to serene landscapes with just a few gentle chimes and vibrations. Breathwork therapy, too, is like hitting the reset button on your mental computer; it brings clarity and focus, much like a well-timed cup of tea. And intuitive counsel? That’s simply having a chat with someone who can see through the fog of your own thoughts, guiding you back to the path you’ve been avoiding.

So, let’s embrace the power of change! By recognising our impact on our lives and setting healthy boundaries, we can start the journey towards a more balanced existence—one laugh, one choice, and one therapy at a time. After all, if we don’t take charge, we might just end up as the star of our own comedy of errors!

By committing to self-awareness, self-love, and proactive self-care, we lay the groundwork for a healthier, happier, and more harmonious existence. 



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Find out how I can help


I offer a range of holistic therapy services designed to support your journey towards overall wellbeing.


My Signature Wellbeing Treatment incorporates a variety of healing techniques tailored to your individual needs, promoting relaxation and balance. Additionally, I teach Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki from Levels I to III, empowering you with the skills to harness this transformative energy.


Furthermore, as an Independent Wedding Celebrant, I create personalised ceremonies that reflect your unique love story.


Click below to discover which of my services can best assist you on your path to holistic wellness.

My Blog

Check out my latest updates and offers within my wellbeing blog.

Arthritis has ruled my life for 10 years now. I have had many medications to try and manage my condition. After my first session with Vanessa I felt the difference. I was full of energy and my aches had eased. A Wellbeing treatment with Vanessa is now part of my monthly prescription.

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