My Story

Find out how it all started and how my business has grown helping people across the world. 

My Story

From Hamster Wheel To Healing

Ah, the hamster wheel. You know the one – desperately trying to keep up with the relentless pace of life. For years, I found myself scuttling along, juggling a job, motherhood, and the endless list of household chores, all while feeling like I was running on a treadmill that never seemed to switch off. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t the life I had envisioned!


From the moment I could string a sentence together, it seemed my life was destined to resemble that of a hamster on a well-worn wheel. Picture it: a tiny creature, furiously spinning round and round, blissfully unaware that it’s all just a show for the bemused humans watching. That was me—toddling through childhood, propelled by the unrelenting desire to keep everyone happy. “No” was a word of great mystery, an elusive concept that seemed reserved for the truly audacious. It felt far safer to nod and smile, even if it meant sacrificing my own whims and wishes along the way.


As I transitioned from the carefree joys of childhood to the tumultuous waters of adulthood, the wheel only seemed to spin faster. Always being pulled and pushed in every direction. “Can you help me with this?” “Would you mind doing that?” “Oh, Vanessa will do that for you” It was as if I was the world’s most obliging hamster, tethered to a wheel of endless tasks, each one a tiny request that chipped away at my dwindling energy reserves. The thought of uttering that forbidden word, “no,” was enough to send shivers down my spine. After all, who would want to be labelled rude or inconsiderate? The horror! 

Fast forward to September 2021. Picture me, slumped on the couch with a cuppa, scrolling through the internet like it was a treasure map. Suddenly, an article about Reiki popped up – and let me tell you, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. I don’t mean the gentle kind, either. I’m talking full-on, “why haven’t I been doing this my whole life?” kind of vibe. It was as if the universe had finally decided to send me a memo.


Without a second thought (or perhaps a third or fourth, because let’s be honest, I’m a bit of a procrastinator), I enrolled in a Reiki course. And just like that, my life changed forever. I began treating myself and, as I did, my clarity became as crystal clear as the finest glassware – you know, the stuff you only bring out for special occasions. I was on the right path, and I could feel it.


In the following months, I dived headfirst into a crystal healing course, because why stop at just one mystical pursuit? About six months after my Reiki journey began, I took the plunge and launched my own business in early 2022. Yes, I had got off the hamster wheel and was now a full-fledged healer, and it felt as exhilarating as a rollercoaster ride.

But I wasn’t done yet! Oh no, I had a thirst for knowledge that could rival a sponge. I continued my training, adding Shamanic Healing, Psychic Mediumship, Sound and Breathwork Therapy, Meditation Facilitator, Master Herbalism, and even Wedding Celebrant to my repertoire. I mean, why not throw in a wedding or two while I was at it? Recently, I completed my Master Teacher diploma, which was a proud moment for me. I am currently nearing the completion of my Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) training which combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT. 


The best part of this journey? Helping people. There’s something immensely satisfying about seeing the transformation in others. Whether it’s through a Reiki session or a good old-fashioned herbal remedy, witnessing how my treatments improve people’s lives fills me with joy. It’s like being a magician, but instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, I’m helping people find their inner peace.


Looking back at my life I barely recognise the person I was. I was stuck in the day-to-day grind, and now I’m a proud business owner, a healer, and, most importantly, someone who’s found a sense of purpose. I’m excited about the journey ahead, and I know this is just the beginning. So, if you ever find yourself on a hamster wheel, remember: sometimes all it takes is a little nudge from the universe (or a good internet article) to set you on a path of transformation. Who knows where it might lead? 

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