Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki Level I Training

Find out how we can help you be a stronger and more efficient version of yourself.

Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki Level I Training

Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki Level I Training is a one day course conducted online in a group setting.


Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki Level I is an experiential journey into awareness of the world of energy, in order to enhance the balance between our mental, physical, and emotional bodies. The first level is an introduction to working with energy in a practical way and therefore allows you to work on family and friends, as well as yourself.


The Course will cover:


* An introduction to Reiki energy and its history

* Self Awareness Exercises

* Group Meditations

* A description & discussion on the Chakra System

*The Reiki Ideals

*Gassho meditation

*Holy Fire Placement

*Hand placements & positions

*Practice sessions

*How Reiki can be used in everyday life

*Teaching of self treatments

*Reiki on animals

*Learning & experiencing the First Reiki Symbol


*Certification of Placement

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